Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12253/51
Título: Organizational leadership in Mozambican business. Some considerations based on a hermeneutical analysis of direct discourse
Autores: Gomes, Ana Célia
Palavras-chave: liderança
análise de conteúdo
gestão em África
Data: 21-Set-2011
Resumo: The present paper aims at delineating the themes of organizational leadership in Africa having as departure point a hermeneutical analysis of direct discourse. The paper results from the content analysis of 30 semi-directed interviews with Mozambican and Portuguese organizational leaders working in Mozambique in two different towns, Beira and Maputo (Gomes, 2005). The interviewed leaders represent a highly diverse group of companies of different sizes, business areas, management systems and organizational cultures. This diversity helps bring together a variety of points of view, confront representations of leadership simultaneously from an emic and an etic perspective, and subsume a range of characteristics directly resulting from the analysis.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10884/51
Aparece nas colecções:A CE/GEST - Comunicações a Conferências

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